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Why is it so hard to let go?

All my life I have been a planner. I plan everything. I mean everything mostly in my head. Why don't I write things down more?  I have an hour by hour schedule in my head. I do this every day.  Like today I have a lot going on. I should have wrote this post a few days ago but here I am Wednesday morning writing this post.

How to think positive

Thinking positive is hard when your mind automatically thinks of negative things or the worst case scenario.  I'm guilty of that. For the last few years I have been trying to change how my mind thinks.

Bloomies? Where?!


Sorry for not updating my blog for a bit. A lot of stuff is happening in my personal life. I wasn't feeling creative for a while. What's been going on with you?

I don't know if any of you know this but I LOVE Bloomingdales! The store is so chic, glam and inviting. I can move in there hahaha. I saw this cup on Pinterest and I had to get it!

I think this is so cute!

If you know Bloomingdales you know about there Brown Bags. I've been drinking out of this mug everyday. I LOVE it! 

What's your favorite department store?

See you tomorrow!

xo, Danielle