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How to think positive

Thinking positive is hard when your mind automatically thinks of negative things or the worst case scenario.  I'm guilty of that. For the last few years I have been trying to change how my mind thinks.

It isn't easy. I've always been an optimistic person but my mind always went to the negative. I overthink like crazy and I'm trying to get over that as well. Overthinking always causes problems that weren't or not there in the first place.

Here are some things to do when you start thinking negative

- Look up positive quotes on Pinterest. My board is here: Positivity Board
- Pray Most of the time I vent to God and then about 10-15 mins later I feel so much better
- Listen to your favorite song
- Find positive affirmations and say them out loud
- Think about the good things you have in your life
- Have a positive quote as your phone wallpaper
- Try to look on the brightside
- Look up something that makes you laugh my favorite are meme's 
- Go for a walk that always changes my mindset

Life is better and brighter when you think positive. What do you like to do when you are thinking negatively?

xoxo- Danielle