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Rose gold


My love of rose gold is not normal. I used to be a sliver girl. But when I saw this rose gold watch at Michael Kors a few months ago (picture below) My love of rose gold started now I want rose gold EVERYTHING but its so hard to find or really expensive *sad face* I went into Tiffanys this weekend and they had this beautiful rose gold bangle. I got really excited but the sales lady told me that its $5,000.....for 1 bangle! I saw a cute glitzy bangle at MK a few weeks ago for $145....compared that's not bad at all.

The watch

Now I'm trying to find a more affordable version of rose gold bangles so I can have the arm candy of my dreams. Something about rose gold is so beautiful to me (plus it goes with my skin tone as you can tell from the picture above) I'm allergic to "costume jewelry" so that's a problem...i'm so expensive haha but I hope to find them soon. When I do i'll post it on here of course!

xo, Danielle