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Crush on blush

Right now I have such a crush on blush. I'm loving blush everything! Fashion, jewelry, homewares, handbags like everything. Today I am going to show you a lot of things I'm loving in blush. Of course you can buy anything you see. Just click on the picture and it will take you directly to the site.

Backpack Want List

I know I'm kinda late on this trend. To be honest I really didn't like backpacks they reminded me of school. I didn't like school that much. But lately, I've been seeing really cute backpacks.

Random Thoughts #4


I know i've been lagging on blogging i'm sorry. I just haven't done anything interesting and my mind has been somewhere else. So today we are going to do another random thoughts.

#1 I got Grand Theft Auto 5 last week and i've been playing it a lot. By playing I mean Driving around and doing random stuff haha my brother has been beating all the missions for me because I suck at shooting.

#2 I've been having really detailed dreams lately....I wonder what those mean?

#3 Ummm fall when did you get here?! I can't believe it's almost October!

#4 IOS7 I like the update but my battery drains like crazy :(

Bags of the week!
Special Delivery: 6 Bright Blue Bags

Xo, Danielle

Rose gold


My love of rose gold is not normal. I used to be a sliver girl. But when I saw this rose gold watch at Michael Kors a few months ago (picture below) My love of rose gold started now I want rose gold EVERYTHING but its so hard to find or really expensive *sad face* I went into Tiffanys this weekend and they had this beautiful rose gold bangle. I got really excited but the sales lady told me that its $5,000.....for 1 bangle! I saw a cute glitzy bangle at MK a few weeks ago for $145....compared that's not bad at all.

The watch

Now I'm trying to find a more affordable version of rose gold bangles so I can have the arm candy of my dreams. Something about rose gold is so beautiful to me (plus it goes with my skin tone as you can tell from the picture above) I'm allergic to "costume jewelry" so that's a problem...i'm so expensive haha but I hope to find them soon. When I do i'll post it on here of course!

xo, Danielle