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Simple & perfect


I love being casual. This outfit is my style to the T!  I just need to find that leather jacket and those animal print flats!

Simple & perfect

Simple & perfect by katijaa featuring miranda kerr style

Short but sweet post. A LOT has been happening in my personal life and I haven't really been feeling creative. So you might see posts here and there. When this stress is over i'll be back to my everyday posting. Thanks for still reading. 

XO, Danielle

New fall boot OBSESSION


This morning I was scrolling through Instagram like I always do and Kyle Richards (Real housewives of Beverly Hills) posted this picture.

I instantly fell in love with those boots! So I started searching the internet for them and I found them! Valentino Noir Rockstud Short Motorcyle Boot. They are on neimanmarcus.com for $1495.00. Now that's a pretty penny. I have to go to Neiman's soon to try them on. They are so gorgeous.

Hopefully they will be on my feet in by Christmas!


Could shopping be art?


I love home decor and my Pinterest is full of pictures of ideas for my dream home. And I saw this picture on Marianna Hewitt's pinterest page. She put her luxury shopping bags into frames and hung them up. That's genius! And a reason to go shopping hehe.

I love this idea! I already have a few bags i've been saving now it's time to get the frames. When my wall is ready I will be posting the pictures here. I love this idea and it's giving me a reason to do some more shopping.

What do you think of this? 

(Photo: marianna's pinterest)

Rose gold


My love of rose gold is not normal. I used to be a sliver girl. But when I saw this rose gold watch at Michael Kors a few months ago (picture below) My love of rose gold started now I want rose gold EVERYTHING but its so hard to find or really expensive *sad face* I went into Tiffanys this weekend and they had this beautiful rose gold bangle. I got really excited but the sales lady told me that its $5,000.....for 1 bangle! I saw a cute glitzy bangle at MK a few weeks ago for $145....compared that's not bad at all.

The watch

Now I'm trying to find a more affordable version of rose gold bangles so I can have the arm candy of my dreams. Something about rose gold is so beautiful to me (plus it goes with my skin tone as you can tell from the picture above) I'm allergic to "costume jewelry" so that's a problem...i'm so expensive haha but I hope to find them soon. When I do i'll post it on here of course!

xo, Danielle

Hey hello!


Lets start off with a little introduction shall we.......

Hey I'm Danielle I'm a 23 year old girl living in Los Angeles. I've been wanting to make a blog for years but I had no idea what to talk about and I still don't really know. So this is going to be a little bit of everything (my thoughts,fashion, music,video games..ect) But uh yeah.... lets see what this becomes...hopefully it turns into something great. *crosses fingers*

That's me :) 

xo, Danielle