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Guess who is back!


Long time no see. My last post was in 2013...wow that was a long time ago. I am now 27 years old. I moved a few times changed jobs a few times...grew up basically. But my blog is still going to be the same. I still love fashion, food, books, traveling all that good stuff.

Danielle (2017)

I'm planning on updating my blog 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Friday) I hope you can join me for this ride.

xoxo -Danielle

Bloomies? Where?!


Sorry for not updating my blog for a bit. A lot of stuff is happening in my personal life. I wasn't feeling creative for a while. What's been going on with you?

I don't know if any of you know this but I LOVE Bloomingdales! The store is so chic, glam and inviting. I can move in there hahaha. I saw this cup on Pinterest and I had to get it!

I think this is so cute!

If you know Bloomingdales you know about there Brown Bags. I've been drinking out of this mug everyday. I LOVE it! 

What's your favorite department store?

See you tomorrow!

xo, Danielle



Sorry for being MIA (missing in action) for a few days. I've been so sick. But now i'm back on track! I hope you didn't miss me to much haha. Right now i'm trying to update my phone to ios7 like everyone else in the world...only an hour left it says

Picture of the day
Inspirational quote here  

Talk to you soon

xo Danielle