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Instagram hashtags you should use

This is a part 2 of my first post 10 things I have learned about Instagram. I've been getting messages and e-mails about which hashtags to use. Well I'm still pretty new to Instagram and I don't know all the hashtags to use but I do know quite a few...especially for bloggers. Let's get started, shall we?

Guess who is back!


Long time no see. My last post was in 2013...wow that was a long time ago. I am now 27 years old. I moved a few times changed jobs a few times...grew up basically. But my blog is still going to be the same. I still love fashion, food, books, traveling all that good stuff.

Danielle (2017)

I'm planning on updating my blog 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Friday) I hope you can join me for this ride.

xoxo -Danielle

Day in the life #1


Yesterday I had a nice day out with my mom. It was nice to get out after being sick for a week. The main reason for going out was to get Grand Theft Auto 5. Target was sold out of GTA 5 & Philip Lim stuff (I should have known) But anyway Best Buy had it so it was cool. After that we ended up at the Sherman Oaks Galleria for lunch, while we were waiting for our table at the Cheesecake Factory, we went into Urban Home.

Trying to be a photographer  

I love teal and white

If only they had these in pink

LOVE these lanterns!

What's your favorite colors for your home?

xo, Danielle



Sorry for being MIA (missing in action) for a few days. I've been so sick. But now i'm back on track! I hope you didn't miss me to much haha. Right now i'm trying to update my phone to ios7 like everyone else in the world...only an hour left it says

Picture of the day
Inspirational quote here  

Talk to you soon

xo Danielle

My love for Chanel/ Random Thoughts #3


I've been in LOVE with Chanel for years now. From the handbags, make-up, shoes, jewelry ect. Today I am going to show you my favorite perfume at the moment. (this might be played out but oh well hahaha)

I love this perfume. It's clean, fresh.  And it's my favorite color lol. I've been wearing it everyday since I bought it 3 months ago. 

Random Thought

I was going to look at all the fashion shows and pick my favorite show and put up my favorite looks and tell you why I like them (i still might do that if i see a show and i'm like wow) but I think i'm trying to be something that i'm not. I'm not your average "fashion blogger" I don't even know if I am a fashion blogger. I think i'm more of a "lifestyle" blogger. I need to stay true to myself and blog about things that I know and actually like. Not because all the bloggers are going crazy over NYFW. I woke up with that on my mind.

If you have a favorite fashion show you saw this year let me know in the comments below

xo, Danielle

Glam home


I've always had a dream of living in a condo in a high rise ever since I was little. I love the floor to ceiling windows and the view! When I saw this picture I was like this is what I want my condo to look like.