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Leap Of Faith

Danielle n the city, leap of faith, faith, job, freedom, blogging, full time

Something very unexpected happened last Friday. I quit my job. I know. I felt it was coming since January. I wasn't excepting it at all right now but when it's time to go its time to go. I wasn't happy I was forcing myself to go.

My money went way down. I was dreading every day I had to work. My faith had a lot to do with this decision. The original plan was to keep working until my blogging money matched or went over the money I was making working. But at my job the money just stopped. (it was commission based so it varied day to day)  It felt like I was hitting a wall. I would try and try day after day being super depressed after I got off. I was hoping the next day would be better than the last but that wasn't the case.

So back to my faith. I believe in God  I pray, talk to him and read the bible everyday. And for the past few weeks I've been seeing "take a leap of faith" and things that go along with that. I've seen it like every day to some degree no joke. I've been getting sponsored opportunities here on my blog and Instagram for the past 2 or 3 months. I know it's not impossible to get sponsorships in your 4 months of blogging. But it does seem to be rare. It's been with big companies 7- Eleven for example. And I have another sponsored thing with another big company in a few days! But I was holding on to that job that was stressing me out and making me very unhappy.

Last Friday I was talking to my mom. My mom is my best friend. And I was telling her about what's going on and she has known how unhappy I was. And I was telling her I kept seeing "Take a leap of faith" in some compacity everyday for a few months. And we prayed. I really don't make any huge decisions without praying and asking for guidance. And who is better to ask than God. So we prayed and it was a soft soothing voice that was like its over do your blog full time. And that's when I knew that it was time to quit. I'm a Virgo and I love having a Plan A, B, C, D. So it was super hard but if God is saying "Do your blog full time" He has a plan and I don't want to miss out. So that night I said peace out to that job.

Of course I was and I still am a little scared. But the feeling of peace, freedom, and excitement I have I know I made the right choice. This is the first time in my life I made a decision like this. I know it's going to pay off in the end. To be honest it's already paying off. 

I can't wait to see what the rest of this year brings. This was definitely a get out of your comfort zone year for me. And I know next year it's going to be all about traveling the world. I can't wait.

Thanks for being here for this journey with me. This is only the beginning! I'm still going to stick to my two times a week posting for now.

xoxo- Danielle