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Introduction to my weight loss journey

weight, loss, journey, into, healthy, lifestyle

To be honest I wasn't planning on making this series. I wasn't going to document my weight loss and what I'm going through. I was just going to start posting more fashion things without telling you about how I lost weight.

 But a few days ago I had to take some pictures and I wasn't comfortable at all. I hated every picture. I ended up kinda liking one picture so that's the one I posted on Instagram.
So that inspired me to really get on my weight loss. I was working out a few days a week. Was trying to change what I eat but not really. But now since I had to take those pictures and felt really uncomfortable the whole time. I don't want to feel that way anymore.

The picture

I wasn't always this size I was actually really small for most of my life. I got used to eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted without gaining a pound. I used to get made fun of in school for being so skinny. But when I graduated high school I started gaining more weight. I wasn't walking to school or doing an hour of PE every day, walking around the school to get to my classes. I was home eating chilling doing whatever. I went to college for a bit but that's a whole other story. I was so happy to get to 115 pounds but I just kept gaining. Because in my mind I could still eat whatever I wanted without any consequences. I've been struggling with this for about 6 years now. I've been up and down. When I moved on my own that's when I gained the most because no one was watching me. I could drink and eat anything I wanted and I did. I ate a lot of takeout food. I probably made food at home twice a week. I'm also an emotional eater. I eat a lot of fried food and sweets when I'm sad, bored or stressed. 

I think I was 19 or 20 here

So I'm not going to be counting my weight loss not in pounds. I'm going to do it in inches and how my clothes fit. I'm planning to do updates twice a month and track my inches lost. And what I'm doing as in my workouts and what I'm eating. I'm excited to start this for real this time and have some accountability. The next post I'm going to be getting really personal as in my measurements and all that. I'm nervous. I hope I can inspire some of you to get on this with me. For me, this is all about feeling comfortable in my own body again.

This is going to be an interesting ride 

xoxo- Danielle