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10 more questions | Get to know Danielle #2

Exactly a month ago I did a blog post answering 20 questions about myself. You can read that here So today I thought I would answer 10 more questions so you can get to know me better :)

1. What's my biggest fear?
- I have two. Snakes and Roller Coasters

2. If I could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Sushi 100%

3. What makes me laugh the most?
- At the moment internet memes. The people that make those are so funny

4. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
- Yes, Dani and D. I wish they were more interesting 

5. How many pillows do I sleep with
- 2

6. Is your glass half full or half empty
- Half full. I try my best to see things on the bright side

7. If you had a warning label, What would yours say?
- Warning! Very Sarcastic

8. Are you an introvert  or extrovert 
- An introvert. But I'm trying to find a bit of a balance 

9. Is there anything you wished would come back in fashion?
- Well right now 90s inspired things are back and i'm very excited about that.

10. How long does it take me to get ready?
- Without doing my makeup shower to going out the door probably 30 mins. With makeup about 40 mins

I think I'll leave you with 10 questions for now. I'll probably will be doing a part 3 soon. If you have any questions you want me to answer leave them in the comments below!

-xoxo Danielle