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Get to know Danielle part 3

It's been a few months since I did a post answering questions about me. Since my readership has grown I thought it was a good time for a part 3!

I asked on my Twitter & Instagram to ask me questions you all want to know. Thank you for sending in your questions!

1. What was my first heartbreak? 
- I was in Kindergarten and I liked a boy but my heart was not broken by him it was this first grader that said she liked him and I couldn't talk to him. I was so scared of her. The day I was actually going to sit by him during reading time, she came up to me and told me that was her man and don't talk to him. My little 5-year-old self was so crushed. I never tried to sit by him again. That's so sad  I was so afraid I wasn't going to risk it. hahaha

2. What is something you regret not doing?
- I regret not trying that hard in high school. For as long as I remember I wanted to be a lawyer. Entertainment lawyer to be exact. I wanted to go to Pepperdine Law School. But when sophomore year started I was not motivated. I slacked off really bad. I wasn't motivated anymore. I had drama with some friends and you know how dramatic that can be. But everything happens for a reason and I'm really happy where I am in life right now and where my life is headed.

3. What do I do to feel better on gloomy days?
- I actually like gloomy days in Southern California we don't get many gloomy days. But what I like to do during those days is if I haven't caught up on my shows in a few weeks I would do that. Or I like to read a good book, eat hahaha or take a long shower, or bath and sleep. I love to take naps lol

4. What is my favorite season and why? 
- I would say winter. We have really mild winters but I love the sweaters and jackets and all the warm teas. The grove is beautiful with all the lights and huge Christmas tree. It just feels super cozy everywhere. And I can wear my Uggs haha

5. What is my dream vacation?
- I love the ocean so probably Bora Bora. I just wanna lay out on the beach and relax.

6. What are you happiest about at this point in life?
- My blog actually. I'm really happy I started and it's actually growing like crazy. I'm just in awe of it right now. I just got my biggest sponsorship so far..I haven't even been back blogging for a full year. This is truly my dream job.

7. What is your biggest dream?
-  I always had a heart for helping people and animals. I want to have a foundation to help people as much as possible. I also want to buy acres of land and build a no kill dog and cat shelter where the dogs and cats can roam free until they get adopted into good homes.

That's all the questions I'm going to answer today. If you haven't please check out part 1 and part 2

xoxo- Danielle