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Weight Loss Journey Part 2

So yesterday I went to the doctor and got my actual weight. I said in my last post that I'm not going to weigh myself and just focus on inches that's still true but I think me stating my weight will be a big help. I'm going to be as real as I can on this journey because losing weight isn't easy.

My starting weight was 189 in June now in July I am 182. That's a 7 pound loss!
Now my eating hasn't been the best I bet if I ate better I would have lost more but it's cool I can start now. The day before yesterday I went shopping and usually hate trying on jeans and things like that but I tried on a pair of jeans and shorts and I went down 2 sizes. I was so happy! I fell off of counting calories oops. I'm going to try to get back on that.

My problem area is my belly. I'm lactose intolerant but I still eat dairy. I should really stop. My friend Stephanie told me about a few vegan cheeses and butter to try. So I'm going to try my best to cut out the dairy. The doctor told me to stop eating bread to help my belly go down so I'm going to try that. It's going to be hard but I want my flat belly back! So it's going to be worth it! I'm trying to be as transparent as I can in this process. I see a difference in my body when I put on my clothes. Progress photos will be coming probably in the next update. 

For the workouts, I've been doing power walking/jogging and walking up stairs for about 30- 40 mins a day. I try to do it every day. But at this time a year, I have to get up early because it gets so hot. So some mornings I don't get up early enough to go.  I like to walk around my neighborhood and get some fresh air.  I've also been going swimming. I'm going to start going to the weight room we have in my community to start doing ab exercises. So that's it for now. I'll update how those cheeses and butter taste on my Instagram stories. Are you following me on Instagram? If you aren't you should!

xoxo-  Danielle