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I cannot believe I wrote a book!! It's more of a guide but still. I wrote it. This book has been in my heart to write for months now. Instagram doesn't have to be hard you just have to know how to work it. And I think I figured it out!

 I had to share my findings because I am in a few facebook groups for bloggers and the main topic is usually Instagram and how to build a following. So I started experimenting and I found the formula and since then I've been building like crazy. So I had to share!!

If you have something in your heart to do. DO IT! I was so scared to put my book out there. I should have had it up a month ago but I was taking forever writing it because I was so scared. But last weekend I was like let's get this done and get over that fear. So I did it and its HERE!! I am so excited!! It's up on Amazon and It's already getting great reviews!

When you get it let me know what you think! Now to finish writing the other books I have in my documents

xoxo- Danielle