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Summer makeup

Summer is practically here. It's been really hot lately and I haven't really been in the mood to put on makeup in this heat. Whenever I have on a full face of foundation, concealer and all that in this heat I just feel gross.

So this summer I really want to do light to no makeup. I really want to concentrate on my skincare so if I just want to put on some mascara, blush and a lipgloss or lipstick I can. My skin isn't too bad. I get the normal pre- menstrual breakouts but that's about it.  

Here is what I want to try this summer:

I really want to light this summer. I don't want to put on my full coverage foundation. It's way too hot for all that. I'm really curious about the charcoal masks. I heard they are really good for oily skin. During the summer my skin seems to produce more oil so I really want to combat that.

What's on your summer makeup list?

xoxo- Danielle