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Home decor Ideas

For the past few months I've been planning my move. I've been looking at SO many apartments around LA but my goal is to move downtown. I love downtown. You're literally in the city. There is so many restaurants, stores, etc to explore. I can't wait. Just writing this and imagining my life down there is getting me super excited.

So with planning my move of course I'm decorating my apartment in my head and on my Pinterest board haha. In my last apartment I wanted a blueish grey walls, with chrome and glass. I still kind of want that but now since rose gold has gotten popular with home decor I want that.

Here are a few inspiration pictures

White, Chrome & Glass

Rose gold & Grey 

You see how they are like total opposites?  It's going to be hard to choose but when I find my perfect apartment I'll see which one fits. Now that I'm really looking at them side by side. I'm kind of pulling toward the rose gold and grey. It seems more homey and calm. I have a white couch now and its so hard to keep clean. 

Z gallery dinning table, chrome, beautiful, home decor
I LOVE this dining table 

But then on the flip side. I've been wanting this dining table for a long time. And I really don't like the look of mixed metals. So I guess I will have to wait to see what my apartment looks like first. I 'm waiting for one more building to open and then I will be making my choice. I can't want to be able to really explore downtown and do my home decor series here on my blog!

Which style do you like more? Leave it in the comments below

xoxo- Danielle